Enigma Net AND+/ Services are trusted by businesses around the world
Our service is in place in businesses on every continent, delivering revolutionary service change to sectors including OIl & Gas, Retail, Banking, Education & Defence.
We deliver results for these main industrial sectors, but also for the entertainment and design industries, the new generation of high performance home workers, SMEs and startups, and hybrid working environments.
Imagine any business situation that requires the movement of data, where less than perfect connections exist and you’ll find a use-case for Enigma Net APN AND +/ Core technology. Content creators working from home, businesses with remote offices, staff and equipment, large enterprises with globally distributed teams. We deliver business improvements with a direct ROI, increased reliability and high security.
Oil and Gas
Enigma net offers network optimisation, secure data tunnelling, data transfer optimisation and acceleration, and private network solutions to the oil and gas industry, where our superfast data transfer and reduced energy use contribute to business efficiency and energy saving.
Digital transformation and decarbonisation programmes are underway within the oil and gas sector; this has accelerated the emergence of data-driven solutions. This will continue to increase whilst network connectivity is failing to keep pace.
Reliable communication of real-time analysis data from oil and gas assets, often based in remote locations, is critical. Enigma net ensures fast reliable connectivity that enhances cloud and edge computing and ensures that new sensor technologies operate efficiently. Information from pipes, fields and well-heads can come to your business anywhere, anytime.
The digital transformation of the industry to ‘on-all-the-time’ reporting comes with the added challenge of moving and managing information at a faster rate.
We enable critical infrastructure in the oil and gas industry to maintain up-time, while responding to environmental and safety requirements, providing asset and data management that keeps you ahead of the compliance curve.
Our specialist services include IIoT sensor fusion, satellite optimisation, loRoWan enhancement and data routing and management.
Our networking optimisation services are increasingly necessary for universities and schools as teaching moves to a hybrid model of on-line and classroom.
For Colleges and Universities, dealing with a large number of students who now options about when and how to study, streaming classes has become the norm.
This dramatically increases the video content and data usage of both the universities and students.
Schools rely on the seamless integration of Learning Management Systems with daily school life in a no-fail environment. Live classroom technology can be data-intensive and demand a connection that can flex according to the priorities of the school day.
Enigma Net Advanced Network Services can provide schools, colleges and universities with the increased connectivity they need at affordable prices.
Our first install of an Arch Smart Router at Tracey Jane Fashion solved multiple problems of poor internet connection, card machine dropouts and long upload times. But TJF still suffered from the infrastructure limitations of the local BT Business broadband link.
Because of the layout of the boutique and the need to stream content 4/5 times a day from each room of the shop TJF decided to go for a Virgin Business 1gb line and upgrade her WiFi coverage to every room.
Even with the extra bandwidth, TJF decided to keep our solution in place to combat the inherent latency and packet loss issues that plague all modern data transfer systems. We worked with her to create the perfect network setup for her and her business, using the Arch Smart Router with APN, and WiFi 6 access points for great coverage. Now TJF has future-proof Wi-Fi wherever they need it.
The way we work has changed forever as staff take the opportunity to work from home for part or all of their working week. This has presented companies with a set of problems and opportunities. The key issues are speed, bandwidth, unreliable connections, network strangulation and security.
Our Enigma Net Advanced Network Services optimise whatever connection is available, intelligently managing traffic to deliver optimum performance for critical applications, securely. Enigma Net is quick and easy to install for home users and is cost effective to run.
Staff working from home are often on a domestic broadband connection, with speeds varying by location and provider. Some staff will have a true fibre connection, others a fibre to cabinet connection with local coax or copper loop; and some may still be struggling with an all-copper legacy connection.
Any connection that is not true fibre with a 1:1 contention will have upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speed (often a tenth). This causes dropouts in video calls and other non-edge-cached services. Our intelligent solution prioritises essential traffic, delivering higher quality audio and video without changing the Internet Service Provider (ISP).
ISPs often strangle traffic based on local network usage, but with Enigma Net’s ITM the health of your service is constantly monitored, providing each customer with the information and data they need to address ISP shortcomings.