Bulletproof payment data

Are your payment terminals letting you down? Our unique failover technology ensures reliable operation.

Does this sound familiar?

Your unreliable internet connection means your card machines drop out.

You can’t access key payments.

You’re losing business, because of your internet connection.

Enigma Net’s unique failover solutions mitigate these connectivity problems. No more failed software updates, payment transfer delays, and lost transactions. Just the connection you need, whenever you need it.

Other providers only fail over to the backup connection when your connection fails completely. This means that your connection could be operating at 1% of the speed you pay for without your failover solution triggering the switch to the backup network.

Our technology continuously measures your network’s Quality of Service, and automatically fails over whenever your QoS drops below a certain percentage. So, you’re always getting the speed you pay for. Plus, while other providers can take up to 90 seconds to fail over to the backup connection, our solutions take around 25 milliseconds. Blink and you’ll miss it.

This means that your data, your payments, and your security are all guaranteed. Your card machines are reliable, your customers are happier, and your business is growing.